

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

kids creation

These creations have been made quite a long time ago. They still have a lot of their own creations. Will upload them when i'm free enough.

Coin Girl: created by Yi Chien. Materials: coins, cotton buds cloth and bracelet.

Dustbin: created by Yi Chien

Snow globes: by Yi Chien & Yun Zhern & Me.

Cake in the car: by YiChien & Yun Zhern

Play dough: by Yi Chien & Yun Zhern

Let's have curry puffs.

i have forgotten the name of this......

Yi Chien made a cake again.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas is right around the corner!

2008's christmas tree....

The snowman made by Chien And Zhen.

Chien hanging the countdown socks.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dinner after fishing

Honey dad fry rice, siput and the fish that we catch.

I love to dig siput.

Yun Zhern likes it but Chien wont take it at all.

Honey dew bought by honey dad, it cost RM40.

2nd Fishing Mania

11-10-2009 Sunday
It was the 2nd time we went for fishing.
We went to the beach in front of ours house.
It rained in the morning, we planned to cancel the fishing trip. Luckily, it stopped in the afternoon.
Daddy went to Gertak Sanggul with Yun Zhern to buy cacing (earth worm).
After that, we went McDonalds again for our brunch. (We usually brunch in Sunday)

Chien was excited to feel the fish biting into the bait.
she shouted, "有tot tot tot 了!"

yay, I've got fish!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cards Making by Chien

Chien made this pop up card by her-self for daddy.

This is the front.

This is for a friend.

Inside of the card.

Friday, September 4, 2009

play dough

pizza (but more look like man zhang kuih)

Yi Chien introduced thru video shooting showing how to make play dough.
When the introduction end, OMG!!!! Mommy just realised that she forgot to press the record button.
Hee hee.... sorry Yi Chien.

adding food colouring to the dough by Yi Chien ......

Together with Yun Zhern

took out alot of tools from mommy's kitchen ......
they made a birthday cake.

Yun Zhern enjoyed playing on car.

tossing: after playing with the dough. They went out to the backyard and played.

yay!!! We did it.
A very happy afternoon.
(Yun Zhern likes to wear big shoes)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Saturday morning

25 July09
Fathers need to be more involved in their children's lives

Honey dad have fun with kids before going to work

They used to greet their dad "bye, honey dad, see you, honey dad, i love you, honey dad, good luck, honey dad."

Sometimes Yun Zhern refuse to let his daddy to go to work.

"daddy不要去做工啦!" don't go to work, dad.

"daddy 这么久还没有回来的。" why does daddy haven't come back yet?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


It's tall and thick...

It's big.....

It's 17-inches.

what is this????
Honey dad has been looking so long for it ....
He wanna buy but it's not easy to find ....
It is a giant chopping board, surprise ya...
This big thick chopping board was so heavy as I could barely pick it up to clean. It looked great and was fun to work on, but, oh, so heavy!

Monday, July 27, 2009


8th of July 2009 --- Bean Necklace
Lacing beads provide excellent fine motor skill practice and are useful for teaching concepts such as counting, patterns, colors, sorting and hand eye coordination.

I did it !!!
11 July-14 July --- Chien is in hospital

watching TV
14 July-18 July --- Zhern is in Hospital

Y.Zhern likes to hide behind curtain.
fun playing with his guns.
18 July 2009 --- A Play
Chien recite rhyme"Two Little Dickie Birds"

read a story with the tittle " Bear Feels Sick"

Yun Zhern gave a helmet as prize. fun.

have fun with jiejie....


20 July 2009 --- Bento

Bento for Chien to school.

Science activity by Science Explorer
One of the science activity from "Science Explorer" by my sister .
color invention.
yellow + blue =green .paint for green apple.

21 July 2009 ---Bento Lunch

Lunch bento for Chien to school(computer lesson).


22 July 2009 ---New Born Baby

visit my 2nd sister
she gave birth to a healthy baby boy name Jiun herr 均贺.
23 July 2009 ---Bento

Gardening --- worms catching