

Monday, July 27, 2009


8th of July 2009 --- Bean Necklace
Lacing beads provide excellent fine motor skill practice and are useful for teaching concepts such as counting, patterns, colors, sorting and hand eye coordination.

I did it !!!
11 July-14 July --- Chien is in hospital

watching TV
14 July-18 July --- Zhern is in Hospital

Y.Zhern likes to hide behind curtain.
fun playing with his guns.
18 July 2009 --- A Play
Chien recite rhyme"Two Little Dickie Birds"

read a story with the tittle " Bear Feels Sick"

Yun Zhern gave a helmet as prize. fun.

have fun with jiejie....


20 July 2009 --- Bento

Bento for Chien to school.

Science activity by Science Explorer
One of the science activity from "Science Explorer" by my sister .
color invention.
yellow + blue =green .paint for green apple.

21 July 2009 ---Bento Lunch

Lunch bento for Chien to school(computer lesson).


22 July 2009 ---New Born Baby

visit my 2nd sister
she gave birth to a healthy baby boy name Jiun herr 均贺.
23 July 2009 ---Bento

Gardening --- worms catching

Sunday, July 12, 2009

chien's creation

"Kids grow up unconnected to their creative spirit," Wagner says. Giving kids a chance to do art, he believes, taps the vein of their elemental creativity -- a force that will help them learn, interact, work, and play throughout life.

Chalk drawing by YiChien.

Try drawing on black paper - the effect is amazing.


Be creative in what they are to draw. Don't focus on just one thing. Draw many different things.
Hold on to everything that they make. What may not seem very appealing to you may turn into a piece of art that many people love. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"!!

Dinner Time:
A paper cup be the legs of table,
A sponge be the table surface,
and some food...